yeah yeah,finally I've get my DRIVING LICENSE on yesterday!!!
I'm really excited and I can't wait to get it.
Back to the day of the test.
Insomnia on the night before the test,I'm really too anxious about it.
Total is about 30 person to test and I'm the number of 25.
Waited until I going to crazy.Haha.
Luckily,slope test,side parking and 3 point turn is went well.
My heartbeat is super damn fast!!Haha.
Lastly is the road test,actually I'm not worried about it.
And I score 17/20.It's not bad.As long as passed the test.Haha.
This pix is show that the first lesson for KPP on May 2010.
And I just get my license on April 2011.
Oh god,I'm used about 1 year to get my LICENSE.
Baby is called it as 'power ranger'
I still have about 5 days for fun,for holidays.Damn fast!
Have to back to school on next Monday.Start school=Start presentation,start exam and attachment!! Haha.
Hope that will enjoy it!! :D
Have to back to school on next Monday.Start school=Start presentation,start exam and attachment!! Haha.
Hope that will enjoy it!! :D